I Faced My Fear!

The experience of overcoming fear is extraordinarily delightful.
— ~ Bertrand Russell

Becoming part of this community of "mermaids" has been on my action item list for months and months. I would get the texts. I would see the pictures. I would hear the stories and the excitement. Yet I would talk myself out of it each week. Until last night.

I walked into the very cold ocean water as the sun set to celebrate the Winter Solstice. I stayed in there for about 5 minutes as the numbness subsided and I became more comfortable. I had to wait...and to experience the discomfort to get to the other side. And when it did, I celebrated by going under water. And I have not stopped smiling since.

Facing a fear and getting to the other side is "extraordinarily delightful"!!

Here is to facing fears in 2022....leaning in....staying in it as the discomfort subsides...and celebrating it on the other side!! It is phenomenal!!

Be Fearless!


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